Elevators & Stairs


While we strive to keep our delivery fees as flat and accessible as possible, there are certain situations where additional charges may apply, such as deliveries involving stairs or elevators. It's important to understand that these fees aren't meant to be punitive, but rather reflect the increased effort and labor required to ensure safe and efficient delivery under these circumstances.

Here's why stairs and elevators can pose unique challenges:

Physical Exertion: Carrying heavy furniture up and down stairs requires significant physical effort from our delivery team. This can impact their efficiency and overall workload, requiring additional personnel or extending delivery times.

Space Constraints: Stairwells and elevator cabins often have limited space, making it difficult to maneuver large items safely. This can necessitate special handling techniques or even disassembly of certain furniture pieces, adding to the overall time and complexity of the delivery process.

Safety Concerns: Navigating stairs and elevators with bulky items necessitates extra caution to prevent accidents or injuries. Our team prioritizes safety above all else, and these additional precautions may require slower movement or specialized equipment, further impacting delivery speed.

Ultimately, the stair/elevator surcharge helps us cover the additional costs associated with these challenges while ensuring the continued safety and well-being of our team and your belongings. We hope this information provides some transparency into the rationale behind these fees.

We always encourage clear communication with our customers throughout the booking process. If you have any concerns or questions about potential stair/elevator charges for your specific delivery, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to discuss your needs and find the best solution for a smooth and successful delivery experience.
